
Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them. Colossians 3:18-19

Personalized Scriptures

1 John 4:19

I can love my spouse because He first loved me.

Matthew 9:16

I am united as one flesh and what God has joined together, no one can separate.

Ephesians 5:1-2

I am an imitator of God and walk in love, valuing one another and seeking the best for each other. 

Hope For A Difficult Marriage

"Those who marry will have troubles." That’s what Paul told the Corinthian church (1 Corinthians 7:28). Marriage is a beautiful covenant, but it isn’t always easy. Even the strongest couples will face challenges.
But what happens when those challenges feel unbearable? What if your marriage isn’t just struggling—but deeply painful? Is there hope?
The short answer: Yes.
If you're walking through a difficult or even abusive marriage, let’s walk together through these steps as you prayerfully seek God’s wisdom.

Every marriage faces struggles. Disagreements. Frustrations. Misunderstandings. But not every struggle is a reason to walk away.
Sadly, many divorces today happen over issues that could have been overcome: unmet expectations, ongoing arguments, or seasons of unhappiness. Research shows that couples who push through hard times often find themselves in a much better place just a few years later.
But some problems aren’t just struggles; they’re crises. And when marriage crosses the line into abuse, affairs, or addiction—things change. These are deep wounds that require deep healing.

God’s heart grieves over broken vows, yet He is in the business of redemption.
If you’ve been betrayed, abused, or abandoned, know this: God sees you. He weeps with you. And He has a plan for you.
While God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16), He permits it in cases of unfaithfulness (Matthew 19:1-8). Some marriages break in ways that can’t be easily repaired. But that doesn’t mean your story is over.
Even in what feels like a hopeless situation, healing is possible. Some couples have walked through unimaginable pain—infidelity, addiction, abuse—and, by God’s grace, have come out on the other side stronger than ever. Others have found freedom and healing outside of marriage when reconciliation was not possible.

If you are in an abusive marriage, let this be clear: God does not want you to endure harm.
If your home is not a safe place, you do not need to stay in harm’s way. Protecting yourself and your children is not a lack of faith—it is wisdom.
Abuse is not just a "marriage struggle." It is a violation of the marriage covenant. And while God can redeem anything, He does not call you to stay in a place where you are being physically or emotionally destroyed. Seek safety. Seek help. And trust that God will guide your steps.

No matter where you are in this journey, you do not have to walk it alone.
God is with you. He hears every prayer, sees every tear, and walks with you through every decision.
You also need the church. Wise counsel. Godly friends. Pastors and mentors who can help you navigate what comes next.
You are not forgotten. You are not without hope. Whether God restores your marriage or leads you in a different direction, He is writing a story of redemption in your life.
Lean into Him. Seek His wisdom. And trust that He is not finished with you yet.