2023 Thailand

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

We want to express our gratitude to the Church Alive family for their prayers and support during our time away. This trip was truly a transformative experience for those who joined us for the first time, as well as meaningful for those who had been on similar journeys before. We have attached some videos of the trip and a few highlights of what took place for you to enjoy:

Day 1 - We arrived in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and were warmly greeted by Jeremy Milbrodt and his team after the church service. They helped us settle into our accommodations and even had a meal prepared for us. We then visited the Chiang Mai orphanage, one of three affiliated with Living Word Ministries International, where we spent time playing with the children and offering them encouragement until the sun gave way. Their swarming hugs in the end were memorable.

Day 2  - Was an orientation day, during which Jeremy took us back to the Chiang Mai orphanage. We had the opportunity to connect with Charlie Milbrodt via Zoom. Jeremy showed us around the facilities, which included their own sustainable produce and livestock. Later in the day, we ventured into the city for the famous lantern festival, although unfortunately, the lanterns were not lit due to safety concerns. Nevertheless, we made the most of our time there.

Day 3 - Pastor Mike and Sheri began a four-day conference on Marriage, a topic that is rarely discussed in Thailand. The crew joined in support. In the afternoon, we went to local schools to teach English to the older children.

Day 4 - Saw Pastor Mike and Sheri continuing their conference, while the rest returned to the local schools to teach the younger children. It was Chesney's birthday, and it was a memorable one for her. In the evening, Pastor Jason shared with the school of ministry team.

Day 5 - The pastors continued teaching the Marriage conference. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew visited the Living Word Ministries coffee facility, where we learned about the bean roasting process. Their coffee process helps sustain the orphanage cost greatly. After a while, we came back to the School of Ministry to teach English to the students. I can’t say we were productive, as Pastor Sarah led the moment, and she had way too much caffeine - but we did have fun!  Later, we had a special dinner with Charlie's extended family at his home in Thailand.

Day 6 - Pastor's Mike and Sheri concluded their four-day Marriage conference. We also captured videos of everyone's experiences thus far. Jeremy then led us to their promising new property, which has the potential to make a significant impact on the area. As a pleasant surprise, we made a quick stop at the local mall to pick up a gift for the village during the dedication ceremony. The mall turned out to be incredible, providing us with a much-needed moment of relaxation. After grabbing a gift and a bite to eat, we headed back to the orphanage to spend time with the high school-aged kids. We had an amazing pizza party, made new friends, and were able to offer meaningful ministry to some of the youth.

Day 7 - It was time for our journey. We embarked on a breathtaking 10-hour trip through the Thai countryside to reach the remote village where the church dedication would take place. By the time we arrived in the evening, we could feel the impact of the long journey.

Day 8 - The day of dedication had arrived. We woke up early and made our way to the remote village, which involved a 10-15 minute walk followed by crossing a bridge that resembled something out of an Indiana Jones movie. From there, we took a truck to reach the village, and the whole experience was truly awe-inspiring. We dedicated the church and held a service with all the people. Afterwards, we returned to our vehicles and embarked on a 3 and a half hour journey to the Mae La Noi Orphanage. Despite our exhaustion, we made the most of it. We played soccer and volleyball for hours, and then spent the evening with the children. This was our second night sleeping on the floor.

Day 9 - We bid farewell to the children as they headed off to school, and we also took the time to pray for the staff. One lady was suffering from considerable pain due to a lingering leg issue, so we prayed for her and she experienced instant relief. From there, we continued our journey back to the city of Chiang Mai. We stayed in a hotel located in the heart of the city.

Day 10 - It was playtime! We had one day to explore the city, and we made the most of it. We visited a local elephant and tiger sanctuary, and in the evening, some of us participated in a night.

Watch interviews of those who went! 

Jeremy Milbrodt

Jeremy is the Thailand Director for Living Word Ministry International, where he takes charge of a School of Ministry, 3 orphanages spread across the country, and has actively contributed to the establishment of more than 200 church facilities in Thailand. Additionally, he has also been involved in the coffee production aspect of the ministry.

Pastors Mike and Sheri

As the four-day conference with the students in the School of Ministry comes to an end, Pastors Mike and Sheri reflect on their final thoughts and wrap up their discussions.


Garaoen was Pastor Mike and Sheri's translator for the conference. He shared privately how critical this information was the the School of Ministry students. 

Shannon Boynton

Shannon skillfully managed all the logistical aspects of the trip, drawing from her previous travel experiences. Now, she eagerly shares how this particular expedition has left an indelible mark on her.

Ron Sautter

Meet Ron Sautter, also known as Doc. He's no stranger to Thailand, having visited a few times. In our conversation, he sheds light on the importance of these trips throughout the years. As we sit here, he fondly reminisces about the trees he personally planted behind us during one of his visits.

Grace Sautter

Get to know Mama Grace, a familiar figure who has graced Thailand on numerous occasions. She delights in sharing the treasured memories she has accumulated throughout the years.

Pastor Sarah Kimberly

Thailand was a whole new experience for her, and she definitely made the most of it. Interestingly, her first word while teaching  English  happened to be a Spanish word, but we'll overlook that. Undoubtedly, her vibrant personality left a lasting impression on everyone she met!

Pastor Sarah and Bailey

Despite the stunning scenery and the lovely locals, the journey proved to be quite challenging for young Bailey. However, she embraced the difficulties and turned them into valuable experiences.

Chesney Sautter

On her 18th birthday, Chesney had the incredible opportunity to visit Thailand for the first time. This unforgettable experience is sure to stay with her forever! To make her day even more special, the local school surprised her by singing a heartfelt rendition of "Happy Birthday" in their native language.

Bryce Kimberly

Bryce embarked on his inaugural journey to Thailand, eager to make the most of his mission trip. Among the multitude of memorable moments, two stood out in particular:

The first was the exhilarating ride in the back of the truck,  perfectly legal in Thailand.

The second was the heartwarming act of distributing candy to the students at a local school, leaving an indelible mark on their young hearts.

visiting The ORPHANAGES and local SCHOOLS

Chiang Mai Orphanage

teaching english in a local school

bailey and Chesney at the local school

teaching english and giving away candy... we think

spending time with the kids in the mae la noi orphanage

a thank you from one of the school of ministry students

Remote village dedication

The 10 minute walk

The bridge

the truck drive in

The arrival

time lapse of the ribbon cutting ceremony

Just before the ceremony

time lapse of the opening ceremony

Pastors thoughts after the ceremony

leaving the village

Join the mission

Along with overseeing Abundant Life Children’s Homes which care for over 700 children, Charlie and Cathy Milbrodt pastor a local church, conduct a bible school and oversee an evangelism-church planting team which has planted and constructed 115 churches across the nation of Thailand. We are partnering with them to build our 8th church facility in remote villages, and you can be a part. Find out more.